CommitteesBylaws Bylaws:
The bylaws committee exists to amend and uphold the constitution and bylaws of the club. It is their responsibility to make changes when asked by the Board of Directors and the provide assistance when questions arise regarding bylaws requirements. Events: Diane Cocos, chair The Events Committee organizes and communicates information related to club sponsored events such as National Specialties, Annual Meetings and regional gatherings. The Specialty subcommittee focuses on the annual get-together of Club members who join the event to share knowledge and activities with other members. Contact [email protected] for more information. Health and Wellness: Lisa Harper, chair Mission Statement 1. To act as liaison to the OFA and CHIC 2. To approve club supported health studies. 3. To endorse or commission health and genetics studies for the SWDCA 4. To recommend allocation of the Canine Health Foundation monies for specific studies. 5. To develop a health survey in conjunction with Orthopedic Foundation for Animals 6. To develop and execute DNA collections and studies 7. To educate members regarding any health issue that is of concern to the breed 8. To help sponsor health clinics throughout the United States Contact [email protected] if you have any inquiries or concerns about the health of an SWD. |
Judges Education: Lisa Harper, chair
The Judges Education Committee works with judges and judges associations, training judges how to judge a Spanish Water Dog against the breed standard in the conformation ring. As a multi-purpose dog, the SWD has many physical traits specific to its many duties as a herder, hunter and diving/fisherman's assistant which are essential to breed type. The JEC is coordinated by Lisa Harper. Any judge or Judges Association may contact her at [email protected] to arrange JE presentations, mentorship, kennel visits and/or ring-side mentoring with AKC- or club-approved mentors. Member Relations: Donna Perone, chair The Membership Committee provides the catalyst for member education, member communication and club outreach. Teams are distributed among three subcommittees: Online Learning, which makes use of technology to deliver webinars, training and panels discussions centered around SWDs Member Connection, which makes use of newsletters, online socials, membership directory, book club and new member mentoring to promote member interaction and communication PR and Outreach, which promotes the SWD breed throughout North America with effective use of social media, marketing materials, club and breed merchandise, and organized membership campaigns. Contact [email protected] if you would like more information about our programs. Rescue: David Milstein, Art Morgan, chairs The goal of the Rescue Committee is to assist in the placement of displaced Spanish Water Dogs (SWDs) and to promote proper responsibility of breeders in re-homing displaced dogs which were bred or sold by them. If you have a SWD you would like to enter into the SWDCA's Rescue Program or have any questions about the SWDCA's Rescue Program, please contact: Rescue East: [email protected] Rescue West: [email protected]. Sunshine: Denise Velasquez, chair The Sunshine Committee provides a message of support from the club to members experiencing the loss of a SWD or a close family member. Members experiencing the loss will receive a card with a caring message with a gift of a potted plant or flowers from the club. Contact us for additional information about the Sunshine Committee. Website: Lisa Harper, chair The Website Committee maintains the club website and updates the content of each page as needed. Contact [email protected] regarding the Website Committee. |